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Sugandh Gynae Center

Multispeciality Gynae & Obstetrics Hospital In Jankipuram, Lucknow. Facilities - OPD, Admission, All General & Gynae Surgeries, Speciality Treatment for Infertility.
Est. In 2010, Registration No. 29729

Online Appointment

Contact Us

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat (Morning) 11:00 am to 01:00 pm
Mon – Sat (Evening) 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am to 01:00 pm
Emergency 24 X 7


9, Shivalik Vihar,Gudian Purva
Sector-H, Jankipuram,
Landmark - Behind Arihant Hospital, Near Sahara Grace Apt.

About Us

Dr. Puniti Srivastava, M.B.B.S., M.S.(Gynae)

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, based in Jankipuram Lucknow

30+ years of experience, worked in Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi; Jain Nursing Home, New Delhi and Amar Leela Hospital, New Delhi

5000+ surgeries. Specialist in Gynae and Obstetrical and other general surgeries.

Especiality in Infertility treatement, for male and female.



Gynae & Obstetrics

Delivery, Cesarean, Hysterectomy (Vaginal & Abdominal), Laprotomy, Tubal Surgery, Vaginal Repair Surgery & More.

Infertility Treatment

Test and speciality treatment for males and females.

General and Laparoscopic Surgery

Hernia, Gallbladder ,Piles and Other Surgeries.

Family Planning

CuT insertion and removal, DNC and Tubectomy.

Admission and Medicine

24*7 in-house medicine shop, general ward and private wards.

OPD and Lab Tests

Consultation and antenatal check-ups. All Lab tests available.